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- //=============================================================
- // Init - initializes variables for the SayManager
- Init:
- if ( (self.saying == NIL) || (self.saying == NULL) )
- {
- self.saying = 0
- self.sayimportance = 0
- self.silent = 0
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- // SayManager - keeps track of what I'm trying to say and what is more important
- // Importance is on a scale of 1 to 10 by convention (ie, it's not enforced)
- SayManager local.sayanimation local.sayimportance:
- //thread anim/attack.scr::DPrintln "Trying to say " local.sayanimation " (importance " local.sayimportance ")"
- // check if I'm in the waiting state or if the new line is important enough to interrupt
- if ( (self.silent == 0) && ( self.saying == 0 || local.sayimportance > self.sayimportance ) )
- {
- //thread anim/attack.scr::DPrintln " Say successful"
- // Leave the waiting state
- self.saying = 1
- self.sayimportance = local.sayimportance
- if ( (self.saymanager != NIL) && (self.saymanager != NULL) )
- {
- self.saymanager end
- }
- self.saymanager = local
- // Say the line
- self setsay local.sayanimation
- // Wait until we finish saying this line
- //self waittill saydone
- wait 1
- thread anim/attack.scr::DPrintln "Say animation " local.sayanimation " finished!"
- // Return to the waiting state
- if ( isAlive self )
- self.saying = 0
- }
- else
- {
- thread anim/attack.scr::DPrintln " Say failed (old animation had importance of " self.sayimportance ")"
- waitframe
- }
- end